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We’re in this together!

I have been blessed with support from others who are ‘late bloomers’ like me – they came out of the closet later in life.  Equally, friends, family and co-workers have also demonstrated a keen interest in my story.  Their love and encouragement are motivations for me to help others who may be stuck. I’ll show you how I started over and created a new life and hopefully motivate you to do the same! If I can do it, there’s no reason why you can’t follow in my unconventional footsteps.

Let’s glow up together in this positive and safe community. Meet some of your fellow Glow Up Teammates below.

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Glow Up Stories!

Don from Newfoundland

Canadian Late Bloomer

Don is a gay father who came out later in his life and now has a tremendous partner.  He’s an active and proud parent of a wonderful daughter.  He said my story is “a relatable portrayal of a life story that is all too familiar for so many of us.”

Mike from Georgia

 Mike from Georgia

Straight Ally

After reading my journey, he said “a positive and inspirational story to being YOU and the power that comes with that.  It also highlights for everyone the need/obligation to support those you love.  Support and passion conquer all fear and suffering.”

RDV from Wisconsin

Straight Ally

RDV is a tremendous friend and shared the following after reading my story, “your courage as a man, your love as a father, your humanity and sensitivity as a person through life’s joys and sorrows, has made your work very inspiring and incredibly relevant to my life on so many fronts.  I know it will speak to others as well.

Meet Team Glow Up!